Lawless In Leather
Winterfall Destiny
Mated to the sapphic orc
Fae's Fate
Broken: A Romantic Science Fiction Eco Adventure
Wolf's Prize
Wicked Ways
Unbreak My Heart
Curiosity Killed the Vampire
From Across the Sea
Angel In Armani
Edge of Night
The Witch's Tangle
Three Vampires And A Baby
Banshee, Death and Disarray: Holly Harrow: A Point Muse Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Damaris: A Scifi Alien Romance
The Shattered Court
Moon Blessed
Falling for Mr. Fake It

2024 covers

Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Magic Thursday: Supporting Authors with Eleni Konstantine!


A few days ago, I was on the Paranormal panel at the Romance Panel day run by Romance Writers Australia (RWAus) (organised by author Bernadette Eden).

I attended the other panels on the day  - Historical, Contemporary, Rural as a way of supporting the event, RWAus, the library, and my fellow authors. As well as purchasing some books.

Book horde from SA Romance Panel 

It got me thinking of how I support authors as both an author and a reader.

When I go to events, I will buy from the authors present, firstly authors I know/ have read, but I do buy books from some new-to-me authors. I feel horrible when I can't support every single one of them at an event, but by attending, that's a support in itself. 

As the coordinator of the DarkSide DownUnder, I get to spread the word about this group of amazing authors via maintaining the website, writing and organising the blog posts (like this one), and sharing posts to social media (including doing the new release videos on TikTok).

This platform is all about supporting authors, which brings me to....

How to support authors

Buy books 

I'm buying more ebooks direct from authors so more money stays with the author, and print books at book signings. 

Pre-order books
Pre-orders help build buzz for a book, count towards the first week of sales, help retailers estimates how many books to order, and help publishers with their print run numbers. 

Borrow books from the my local library network

There's no way I can buy all the books I read. Firstly, the budget won't allow for it and secondly I'd run out of shelf space / e-space.

In Australia, we have the Public Lending Rights scheme from the government to compensate authors for the loss of royalties they would have earned when their books are borrowed from a library. 

Request books to be purchased by my local library network.
Most libraries are open to requests for new books. Check out their website to see how you can request a title.

Borrow books from friends 
I tend not to do this often now - I don't want to ruin anyone's book accidentally. I am also a slow reader and I tend to take too long with them.

Recommend books to other readers
I love it when you can gush about a book to other readers. In turn, they usually have a book they recommend to you as well.

Recommend book for book club
There are plenty readers out there that are part of book clubs and it's a good way to discuss books with other readers. 

Add books to my 'to-read' shelf on Goodreads or any other book platform
It helps that algorithm recommend other books in the same vein.

Rate and/review books  
I tend to only rate recently, as reviewing does take too much of my energy at the moment. But I want to change this to even one sentence reviews (even a 'loved it' or 'great read' is better than nothing!).

This can be on Goodreads (or equivalent), book platforms, your blog / social media. Basically anywhere. 

Subscribe to author newsletters
I subscribe to many newsletters to get the latest from an author. Many authors have 'subscriber only' content or competitions, and you can get to know them a little better.

Follow authors on social media and liking posts
If you're on a social media platform, consider following and liking authors' pages and posts. 

Attend author library talks
These tend to be free, so you can go along and hear an author talk. You don't have to buy a book at these events but it helps the author's profile by attending. 

Attend book launches

Book launches can be in bookstores, libraries, community centres, pubs...Not everyone buys the book but it's there and the author is there, so a great opportunity to get it signed! 

Attend book signings/ festivals/ events
Compiling the DarkSider News, I see DarkSiders attending more and more book events around Australia and the world so there's usually something near you, especially in the capital cities. 

Books purchased at an event in 2023

I do pick up bookmarks /cards from authors when I can't buy their books. That way there's more of a chance I'll check out their releases in future.

Join an author's ARC team

ARC are advanced reader copies. These are available from authors, publishers or review sites (e.g. Netgalley) for an honest review of the book. 

Buy books or vouchers for family and friends
I especially buy books for the kids in the family to support them reading. Vouchers are a great way as I like giving people that feeling of joy buying their own books. 

Contact author to let them know you enjoyed their book.
Authors enjoy readers contacting them, especially with good feedback on their books. It doesn't have to be long, even a 'I loved book x' will do.  Find their preferred contact method on their website. 

Have fun supporting your authors!

Enchanted Dreams

Be transported to fantastical worlds in this collection of nineteen speculative fiction shorts of previously published works and new stories.  From wizards to magic mirrors, dragons to ghosts, minions to goddesses, space ships to diamond slippers, there's an enchanting tale right for you.

Eleni Konstantine

Eleni Konstantine writes speculative fiction and has had a number of short stories published.

Her love of reading comes from her avid reader mum. As a child, illustrated fairy tales and Greek mythology opened up a world of wonder for Eleni. She was bitten by the story bug which soon turned into the writing bug. She finds something enchanting about escaping the world she knows and entering another one. Magic, dragons, wizards, fairies, witches, unicorns, vampires and other mythical creatures have always fascinated her. What's not to like when anything can happen? Sprinkle in a romance and a happy ending and she’s on cloud nine.

Eleni has a love of chocolate (of course!), fizzy drinks, coffee and relishes her afternoon naps. She lives in South Australia with her family and is human to a sassy Rottweiler.

Find Eleni at her website.

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