2025 Releases

A Fate of Wings
Island Wolf
The Sheikh's Forced Bride: A Billionaires and Sheikhs novel
A Spell of Longing and Death
Bowen River
Dead and Gone: Ein Violet-Blackwood-Krimi (Thornwood Academy)
Vampire's in the Details
To Wed A Queen: An Epic Romantic Fantasy
Key Change

2025 covers

Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Magic Thursday: To write or not to write while travelling with M.L. Tompsett!

In 2023, I travelled around the West side of Australia and then down the middle. A trip taking six months.

A time I had imagined to be inspirational, supplying me with ideas, concepts, landscapes, and background information for my books. My hopes and dreams for this big adventure sadly did not take shape. The inspiration to complete two books and outline several others failed.

Yes, fellow reader, my master plan to use this time and make it mine failed. I let myself down in a way that has set me back nearly twelve months or more in my writing. Did I enjoy my trip – yes. Did I take photos – too many to look at. Would I visit certain parts again – yes.

You see, travelling for leisure, sitting back and relaxing, is only a hope and a dream while travelling through our big country. There is far too much to see and do. The number of long hours of driving, which would make anyone think – I can write while driving (me as the passenger) vast distances – allowing you to complete the last few chapters you had started the day or week before, ends up sitting on your laptop, as you are too busy watching the scenery, on the constant lookout for huge heavy vehicles, stray animals. The amount of times cattle, goats, sheep, horses, lizards, wallabies, kangaroos, eagles, and emus had to be avoided, was not funny. You have to be constantly on the lookout to avoid an accident. Don’t even get me started on the amount of smashed or burnt-out cars abandoned on the side of the roads.

Don’t get me wrong, seeing these animals (alive) on our journey was fantastic. But witnessing the aftermath of dead carcasses scattered on and beside the road is not a memory you want to keep. The damage they cause to a vehicle… I see enough dead wombats, kangaroos, and wallabies beside the roads where I live. I would have preferred not to see more dead animals on my journey, but it is a part of life. Animals and roads do not mix.

At each arranged location - You will set up the caravan and awning as soon as you arrive at the next destination. Preparing your site for your stay, even starting a load of washing in your trusty little RV washing machine. By the time you look around the district, swim, dive, snorkel, walk, drive, and sight-see, your time frame has just about finished, and it’s time to pack up and drive to the next location.

After a while, it becomes like a broken record. It's the same thing on average every four or five days. Pack up, drive a few more hours or more, stop for fuel, and arrive at your next accommodation, set up, repeat, rinse, wash, repeat, wash, rinse, spin. In the evening, you try to relax after your evening meal, shower the grime away, and if your brain is not tired, you attempt to write a chapter or two of the WIP you’re working on. Or check emails and messages and go from there.

Don’t forget that while travelling, I still have to work for a living. Being a digital book formatter has its challenges while travelling this big, wide land of Australia. This means I have to make sure I create and complete the digital files for my clients and email the file or files on time. While working on my client's digital files, even though they are meant to be completely edited, I still come across items that require amending or a paragraph that has to be rewritten. I create as much as I can and contact my gorgeous clients while I have internet; as you will discover, Australia is big and does not always have a phone or internet signal everywhere you go. Thankfully, each time I complete the required digital files, they are soon uploaded to Amazon and other book platforms, ready for my client’s readers to enjoy the next book.

Life on the road has its ups and downs. The price of fuel – expensive. The price of food in the supermarket was expensive if they had what you wanted. Discovering people do not always shower or use deodorant-not good. The stench whilst walking through the supermarket or shopping centre can make you gag. Deodorant is not on an open shelf in the supermarket; in far north Australia, the items are behind locked glass, as theft or sniffing is a big issue.

The rules you soon learn regarding bottle shops or where alcohol is sold are interesting. From only opening on certain days to opening from 2 pm in the afternoon with a police officer at the door checking all identification and then the twenty questions to do with it. Just for a bottle of wine or a slab of beer.

While travelling, you soon learn the ropes of what you should not do in certain towns and what you should not do while you leave your caravan unattended.

 Always lock your van when using the facilities to shower or go to the loo, even when your partner is still in there, especially when they are sleeping. Keep all keys hidden and not in a place that might be obvious. If possible, wrap your key fobs in foil, or if you’re able to purchase the key fob blocker bags, available from Amazon.

 Anything you use outside, tables, BBQ, even your portable caravan steps, chain, and padlock to your van. The portable fridge you have sitting outside the van under your awning – don’t. Unless you have it locked as well, a lot of people use these items to store their drinks in. Only to discover while out at the pool, beach, or a day trip to come home to the van and discover that the fridge has been raided and left empty. As they say, do not leave anything in your vehicle which can be seen through the window. We used window shades, which allow us to see out, but it is hard for people to look in - on all our windows. Always lock your car. Theft is big wherever you go.

I even purchased a travelling laptop table, which you use with your camp chair. This table can be set on a few different angles or flat. It has a small lip to prevent your laptop from sliding off. It came in handy and can be purchased from Kmart. Also, the $5 folding step. Either for your feet to rest on or used as a little side table for your wine, cuppa, or portable hard drive.

We came across a lot of different people. All types. In most places, everyone was nice and helpful. A lot of places, and what they had to offer was spectacular. Truly, our country is a wonder to witness. As with places and trips, you still miss out on a lot of things to see and do. You simply run out of time.

The moral of my story and advice. If travelling for writing, make sure that is what you are there for. Do have some time out to refresh the brain, but if you’re travelling for leisure, your writing will be shortened, and what you had planned to write does not always happen. So be warned. You either write or sight-see and take in the district and what it has to offer.

Now I better get back to my writing now I am home. I have one new contemporary to complete and format for its 1st March release. My aim this year is to finally complete the paranormal romance I was meant to have completed two years ago, as well as an urban fantasy. Then there are the other books I have started, and some I’ve even created an outline for in the genres of paranormal, and urban fantasy, and contemporary with a few different subgenres.

 If you do travel, have a fantastic time. Keep safe and enjoy.


Next book release: 

Secret Heiress (Book 4, Second Chance at Love)

Out 1st March 2024.

One last night of passion can purge the guy you’ve loved for the past twelve years from your mind and heart…right?

Izzy Delany, at thirteen, lost her parents in a tragic accident in Australia. New York became her new home with her aunt, and that is where she met Mel Astor. The day Izzy met Mel’s eldest brother, Tristian, her teenage heart and mind fell in love.

At twenty-five, Izzy is successful with three companies. Under the guise of using her grandmother’s maiden name, the Astor family has no idea their biggest competitor is none other than little Izzy.

Tristian made sure he did not have time for Izzy over the years, keeping his distance and giving the impression that he did not like her. When in reality, she was his secret little crush…

Tristian Astor is a master at being in charge of everything in his life, and his sister’s best friend is not part of the equation. Pity his heart does not agree to keep the woman of his dreams at arm’s length.

When Izzy discovers her life is in danger, can she survive long enough to inform Tristian he is the father of her baby and that she loves him? Or will Izzy lose everything, including her life, in this friends-to-lovers romance?


M.L. Tompsett

M. L. Tompsett has been creating worlds to escape to since she was a little girl. Years later she is still enjoying her writing in her imaginative make-believe worlds with interesting characters and steamy scenes. Finally moving forward to the big wide scary world of publishing in print and the new world of digital eBook publishing.
Married to her childhood sweetheart, they live in Victoria, Australia and have two fully grown, handsome and extremely talented in their own way - sons.
Over the years, M. L. Tompsett has worn different hats throughout the years, apart from being a full time caring mum and loving wife. She has also been a secretary, a football manager, basketball coach, receptionist, managers assistant, mum taxi, business owner, administrator, author and a lover of fine chocolate, ok nearly any type of chocolate, especially milk chocolate covered liquorice. (YUM)

With her first series, out on the digital shelves and in print (softcover).

M. L. Tompsett is excited to see something she has been working on for far too long become a reality in the published world.
“Now with three books out as well as a digital box set, it is a humble experience seeing my books out there for the public to enjoy.”

You can visit M.L. on her website: mltompsett.com

Until next time, happy reading,  be well & safe!

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