Eleni Konstantine
Cityglitter by Carla Caruso

Christelle’s life turns to dissaray when her younger sister, naïve Trixie comes to Sydney. Christelle also meets and has an instant connection with her new boss – but who is definitely not available.
I loved the fun nature of this book and enjoyed the easy to follow world-building. It’s magical and I had a few laughs along the way. It’s a book about being true to oneself and following one’s own path instead of doing what’s expected.
Excellent read. 4.5 stars.
J.M Bray
Hood by Stephen R. Lawhead

Who Needs Enemies by Kerri Arthur
Just read Keri Arthur's Who Needs Enemies and came to really care about the heroine, Harri. Plus there's the fabulously Australian paranormal universe she creates. Ogres really ought to be used in ads for air-fresheners :)
I have read Stephen R. Lawhead's Robin Hood trilogy and it was great :)
Until next moth happy reading!
Thanks for the review, Eleni! Keri Arthur's book sounds intriguing - one for the TBR pile!!