Welcome to this week's good news...
There was no GND posted last week as there was no content to post!
Kylie Griffin has a host of Light Blade series giveaways happening, just in time for Christmas!
Over at Goodreads she has 3 copies of Vengeance Born and 1 copy of Allegiance Sworn up for grabs.
There's also a Rafflcopter giveaway of Alliance Forged over on her blog.
All books are signed and the contests are open internationally. Entries close at the end of November (see giveaway links for details).
Newsletter subscribers get the chance to win giveaway swag! (sign up form here)
My Lady Quicksilver by Bec McMaster received a 4 Pot rating from Talk Supe.
Hervey Bay Book Signing follows pack-out Bundy event
Urban Fantasy author Cheryse Durrant is looking forward to meeting local readers when she signs copies of her novel The Blood She Betrayed at Mary Ryan's Books, Music and Coffee at Hervey Bay this Saturday, October 26, at 10am.
Ms Durrant's Bundaberg book launch last week attracted 90 guests, forcing additional events to be scheduled at Dymocks and a local cafe the following day to cater to locals unable to gain a ticket to the official book launch event.
Ms Durrant is also the special guest at an Author Coffee and Chat at Kingfisher Bay Resort at Fraser Island this week. For a personal invitation to join in, email her via cherysedurrant(at)gmail(dot)com.
More detailed news stories here:
Article 1
Article 2
Kylie Griffin has a host of Light Blade series giveaways happening, just in time for Christmas!
Over at Goodreads she has 3 copies of Vengeance Born and 1 copy of Allegiance Sworn up for grabs.
There's also a Rafflcopter giveaway of Alliance Forged over on her blog.
All books are signed and the contests are open internationally. Entries close at the end of November (see giveaway links for details).
Newsletter subscribers get the chance to win giveaway swag! (sign up form here)
My Lady Quicksilver by Bec McMaster received a 4 Pot rating from Talk Supe.
Full review here."My Lady Quicksilver is such a rich novel...it has great romance and tension but what I loved about it most isMcmaster's all encompassing take on the world she created as a whole. Not only does she titillate her readers with bodice ripping romance, she also adds layers of social intrigue to make the plight of her character believable."
Hervey Bay Book Signing follows pack-out Bundy event
Urban Fantasy author Cheryse Durrant is looking forward to meeting local readers when she signs copies of her novel The Blood She Betrayed at Mary Ryan's Books, Music and Coffee at Hervey Bay this Saturday, October 26, at 10am.
Ms Durrant's Bundaberg book launch last week attracted 90 guests, forcing additional events to be scheduled at Dymocks and a local cafe the following day to cater to locals unable to gain a ticket to the official book launch event.
Ms Durrant is also the special guest at an Author Coffee and Chat at Kingfisher Bay Resort at Fraser Island this week. For a personal invitation to join in, email her via cherysedurrant(at)gmail(dot)com.
More detailed news stories here:
Article 1
Article 2
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