2025 Releases

A Fate of Wings
Island Wolf
The Sheikh's Forced Bride: A Billionaires and Sheikhs novel
A Spell of Longing and Death
Bowen River
Dead and Gone: Ein Violet-Blackwood-Krimi (Thornwood Academy)
Vampire's in the Details
To Wed A Queen: An Epic Romantic Fantasy
Key Change

2025 covers

Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Magic Thursday-The Goblin King

The Goblin King is a story that arrived several years ago at 2am while I was feeding a restless baby. I scribbled down the idea, and in the morning (real morning by daylight, while baby was swatting at toys) I wrote the first scene. I then realised I wasn’t at a stage in my writing career where I could pull off the story. As fascinating as a cursed hero is, making a goblin heroic was going to be a challenge.

Zip forward another couple of years to when I was looking for my next project, and I pulled this idea back out of my idea box. This time I knew I could make it work. The heroine had a name change, and Roan’s back story solidified. By this time the paranormal market was saturated with Vampires and Angels were becoming popular and while I was having fun I didn’t know how I was going to sell a paranormal romance featuring goblins.

But I held onto the belief that because it was something different it would sell. Now with only a few more sleeps until The Goblin King is released on the 1st of October (it’s available for pre-order at Amazon, The Book Depository and Booktopia) I’m giving away a copy to celebrate, the winner will be drawn on Wednesday 28 September. Just tell me when you get your best ideas.

Cursed by a Druid millennia ago, Roan lives a bleak existence in the Shadowlands,
desperately trying to retain his soul and not succumb to the goblin horde.

When a beautiful human summons him to grant a wish, he sees a glimmer of hope. But will she ever agree to be his queen?



  1. Shona I love your cover sooo much! The idea for my first published book came in the shower and it was so overwhelming that I had to run out dripping wet to write it down. Unfortunately most of my other ideas don't arrive as fully formed (curse it!!!). Congrats on your release!!!!!

  2. Not long now Shona :) So exciting. I get my ideas from everything. Most random was a greasy hand print on the bus window - it inspired "Good Girls don't talk to Satyrs".

  3. I get my best ideas in really random places. Public toilets, at work, watching people. Can't wait until the goblin king is released!

  4. In the shower. lol As a reader can't wait until Reading Rock Books my indy releases my copy. Very much looking forward to reading it.

  5. When I was in college, I had a professor who told us to think about problems in the shower.

    I'm soooo looking forward to reading THE GOBLIN KING! I love the hot Paul Marron cover!

    ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. Hey Shona!
    Only a few more sleeps... so exciting!
    Most of my ideas come to me in dreams - and these aren't your everyday dreams, they're like going to the cinemas and watching a movie in high-def, 3D with surround sound. Full on and very entertaining. So then I often find myself scribbling these ideas in my notebook over breakfast while the kids help themselves to my toast and the cat is trying to drink my tea for me... LOL.
    Love the Dean-esque cover, you're one lucky girl!

  7. My best ideas come late at night - that's when I am most creative.

    tatiana_lwg(at) yahoo.com

  8. Ideas start coming whenever I'm in the shower--I think there have actually been studies about the correlation between the flow of water and our creativity.

    julieguan AT gmail DOT com

  9. I can be anywhere and ideas will come to me, but my best ideas come to me when I'm listening to music, usually alone in my room or a passenger in a car. Depending on the lyrics that's when images and scenes will take form and I can get excited.

    Happy upcoming release day for The Goblin King.

    Cambonified (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. I get my best ideas when I am struck by INSPIRATION which is not very often :( lol

  11. Must add this to my ever increasing list of books to get. Sounds very interesting. Only read of one other sexy goblin so keen to read of more :)

  12. Hot cover, Shona. Congratulations! I get ideas while doing unstoppable things, like writing a novel in a month, at the helm of my boat and driving, reading bad novels, reading good novels, in the middle of a presentation, or in the middle of a conversation. I just hope the good ones will linger long enough to be recorded.

  13. I totally love this cover too Shona =)

    My ideas come at the oddest times, sometimes in the hot tub or horse riding or drifting off to sleep. I've also had dreams to give me ideas.

  14. Amanda very few of my ideas arrive fully formed, usually I have to drag them into the light.

  15. Hi Nicola, a greasy handprint is very random.

  16. People watching is a great way to find inspiration for characters, Jo-Anne.

  17. Hi Ruth. So many people get inspired in the shower—I must be doing something wrong ;)

  18. Hi Jess, glad I’m not the only one who has vivid dreams. I’ve had a few stories start as a dream--How to Breathe Fire and An Elemental Tail.

  19. Tatiana I wish I could be creative late at night.

  20. Na, I agree song lyrics can be very inspirational and I always make a sound track for each story.

  21. Cherry :( Inspiration is very random sometimes it’s the smallest thing that sparks the idea.

  22. ah, emmad the 'to buy list'…mine is almost as big as my TBR pile

  23. Sarah, ha ha, there’s nothing like an awesome idea while driving. There’s been a few times where I’ve gotten where I’m going only to pull out my note pad and scribble furiously to capture the idea.

  24. Hi Mel! Maybe it’s while the brain is distracted the ideas get free.

  25. I want to give you a big congratulations on this book. A month or so ago, I saw and read your preview book on Amazon. Right away I was hooked. There is just this writing style you have that pulled me into the story, it's amazing. I knew without a doubt that I had to read your book! And it's a few days before the release but oh man was it hard to wait! :) Oh, and where I get my ideas is a number of ways. Dreams mainly, and ideas that come to me sometimes out of the blue. I could be standing on the sidewalk waiting for a bus and WHAM.. an idea hits me. I am an artist so sometimes an idea that starts with a picture will compell me to create in my mind a story to go along with my art. I suppose you never quite know how, where and when an idea will strike. But hopefully we have a pen and paper handy when it does. Thanks for the chance to win your book and congrats again on its release!

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  26. Fab topic, Shona. Ideas - goodness, they come at all different times. I do tend to get a lot when I'm driving. I should get a voice activated recorder.

    Congrats on the upcoming release Shona. It's very exciting.

  27. Lol, in the tub! Nice relaxing bath always helps.

  28. Great job, Shona! Saying hi from another Sourcebooks author! Only no goblins in my stories! Sounds terrific! And good luck!

  29. Hi ladyvampire—cool name :). I'm so glad you liked the free prequel. There’s a few people here who get their ideas from dreams.

  30. Thanks Eleni, new releases are always exciting.

  31. Hi Rebecca, I haven’t had a soak in a tub for years. Maybe I should try it.

  32. No goblins just werewolves (I do love shapeshifters) :) Thanks for stopping by Terry!


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