Lawless In Leather
Winterfall Destiny
Mated to the sapphic orc
Fae's Fate
Broken: A Romantic Science Fiction Eco Adventure
Wolf's Prize
Wicked Ways
Unbreak My Heart
Curiosity Killed the Vampire
From Across the Sea
Angel In Armani
Edge of Night
The Witch's Tangle
Three Vampires And A Baby
Banshee, Death and Disarray: Holly Harrow: A Point Muse Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Damaris: A Scifi Alien Romance
The Shattered Court
Moon Blessed
Falling for Mr. Fake It

2024 covers

Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Saturday 24 February 2018

Darklight On ... Kim Cleary

Today's Darklight on is ... Kim Cleary

Welcome, Kim

Let me preface this by saying I wasn't chasing any accolades. Definitely not that of a USA Today bestseller, when I applied to be included in an urban fantasy box set.

I saw the box set advertised in a writing group that I'm a member of. At the time, I was halfway through a standalone novella in my Daughter of Ravenswood series. The box set looked like a perfect match as its theme was kick-ass heroines in an urban fantasy story. 

I'd noticed that quite a few of my writing friends had participated in box sets with varying results. All benefited from exposure to a brand-new set of readers as all the author participants shared their newsletter lists during the pre-order period and launch week. I liked the idea of collaboration with a bunch of other authors in my genre, as well as gaining the visibility. It's the hardest thing to achieve in this game!

So, I applied for inclusion, and was accepted. Along with twenty-one other urban fantasy authors, many of them multiple bestsellers and award winners!

Every box set has a buy-in price. They can range from $50 upwards, and the money is spent on covers, blurbs, and of course oodles of advertising. Obviously the bigger the buy in, the more you expect back. This one ended up with a buy in price of $500. Yes. A considerable sum of money. 
However, it offered me several benefits:
  • a big marketing learning curve,
  • collaboration with the other participants,
  • the increased visibility I was looking for,
  • and after a few weeks discussion, a decision to try to make enough sales to hit the USA Today bestseller list. 
Funnily enough, I was quite blasé about that decision. It didn't seem particularly relevant to me. Things changed over time… But we will get to that later.

The steps to sell enough copies to hit the USA Today bestseller list

Disclaimer: This is the only box set I've been in, so I only have the one experience to base my feelings on. The rest of this post is a quick summary of what I learned in this exercise. (I'm going to pretty much ignore the impact of Pronoun closing, as it created several abnormal issues)

The activity fell into roughly 3 periods: 

  • Writing and editing
  • Pre-order promotion
  • Launch week

Writing and Editing Phase 

As our professionalism had been assessed prior to inclusion, we were each accountable for our own writing and editing. (This is normal for a box set and means if you are considering doing this you need to allow for the cost of editing in addition to the buy-in price) I had to finish my story, get a cover organised, and get through two rounds of editing.

Luckily, we had an experienced publisher and a few experienced participants. So, during this phase we also did a lot of work on setting up a Google Drive of shared documents, organising rafflecopter and other promotions and preparing advertising materials. (A few people in the group were fabulous at creating images and writing tags/blurbs but we all contributed in various ways)

This is probably the phase in which I learned the most. Particularly around setting up great giveaways, running effective Facebook parties, and writing great ad copy.

Because we were targeting to hit a list rather than make long-term sales we had a six-month pre-order period and concentrated our ad spending on getting those pre-orders.

Pre-order Promotion 

While the ad spend was widespread, $wise we focused on Bookbub, Facebook and AMS. The publisher took care of this, we the authors concentrated on our own newsletters, getting newsletter swaps, promoting in relevant Facebook groups and promoting the giveaways everywhere. We also ran an author incentive to find extra authors to do newsletter swaps with.

Yes. A huge amount of work. In fact, it was a real eye-opener for me, on just how much work (and how much money) is required to get sales.

A few points became very clear:
  • An engaged newsletter list is critical. Small and engaged is better than large, where half the list doesn't even open your emails.
  • Good collaboration with authors in the same genre is critical.
  • Readers respond to attractively packaged giveaways.
  • By far most sales are on Amazon. But to get onto the list, you must achieve at least five hundred sales on each of three platforms. (usually Amazon, Nook and iTunes) You must pay attention to getting sales on Nook and iTunes, both of which require significantly more work than Amazon, to find readers and get traction with advertising and giveaways

Launch week 

Launch week for us came almost 2 months earlier than we had planned, thanks to the closure of Pronoun. As you can imagine this created a huge amount of stress. Both for authors who were still completing their stories, and for all of us who thought we had another two months of promotion. Let's ignore all that extra stress… The main complication was that the closure of Pronoun affected a lot of box-sets and single releases. It meant that all the affected authors would be releasing in the same week.

Normally you would expect to get onto the USA Today bestselling list with sales of 5000 in your launch week. (Three to four times this number to get onto the New York Times list, but that one isn't based just on sales) With all the extra release activity, we had no idea how many we would need, but 5000 probably wasn't going to cut it.

We really had to fight to get the 500 sales on iTunes, luckily, we had a couple of people familiar with the platform and with the groups of readers most responsive to advertising. If not for their efforts we would not have reached the number of sales required. 

We had seven days to sell, sell, sell. We all promoted on our own Facebook pages, tweeted like crazy, promoted in Facebook groups and made sure our organised newsletter swaps went smoothly. Some of this activity also costs money – small amounts for boosting a post, hosting a giveaway, providing Amazon gift cards and/or copies of e-books, that sort of thing. Anyone considering joining a box set to hit a list needs to be prepared to spend over the cost of the buy-in.

By the end of the week, I wanted that accolade! I was a total nervous Nelly waiting for the numbers to come out.

USA Today Bestselling Author 

We did it!

On final count, we sold a little under 7000 box sets, only slightly over 500 on each of Nook and iTunes – no matter, it was enough to get counted.

I hadn't started out chasing any accolades, and definitely not that of a USA Today bestseller. But the numbers came through: we had achieved 119 in the bestseller list for that week! I danced around the house with a grin that made my face ache.

Was it worth it? 

Huge amount of effort.

Considerable cost.

Will get some return on investment. (But not 100% as we didn't set up to keep our ranking high and keep sales sticky)

Do readers care and purchase books with the accolade rather than someone else's? It's debatable isn't it. It's just another tool, another talking point in your armoury.

It does look fabulous on your covers though!

I'd love to hear your experiences and your thoughts!

This post was written for and appeared first in Darklight On. The blog of Darkside Downunder, a group of writers from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements.

About the Author: 

Kim writes paranormal stories with a intrigue, suspense and a hint of romance. She loves all animals, especially her dogs; and thrives on coffee and chocolate while writing and researching.

Thursday 22 February 2018

DarkSider News for February: Part 2!

Welcome to the latest DarkSider News!

More February goodness ... 


Dear Tiger: I Miss You by Carlie Simonsen is book 1 in the Tiger Letters series. It was re-released by C.M. Publishing on 9th February.

“Dear Tiger, this has been the best day ever… but I lie.”

Simone Michaels is in trouble, but she doesn’t know how deep. Her parents’ expedition has gone missing, and that she’s afraid she’ll go missing, too. Will she get the chance to see her mum and dad, again?

Available from: Smashwords |  DriveThruFiction

Reluctant Liaison by C.M. Simpson is a urban fantasy short story released by C.M. Publishing on 2nd February.

I woke up in a car—upside down, staring into the faces of a half dozen pixies sitting on a tree branch. To one side, was a cliff face, to the other, sky, and things were starting to shift. Apparently, I’d had an interesting night… if only I could remember what it was, and why I’d run, and why following the pixies scared me almost as much as the idea of staying in the car…

In Reluctant Liaison the Paranormal Operations Squad is faced with a dilemma outside their usual remit, when Otherworld and ‘real’ world cultures clash.

Alien Mine by Marie Dry is now available in audio format. It was released on 7th February by Blacks Opal Books and is narrated by Anne James.

In a bleak future where government systems are breaking down and lawless bands of men terrorize the country, botanist Natalie Hanson fears for her life and hides in a cave in the Rocky Mountains. When she is captured by human raiders, a fierce alien appears and slays her attackers. Natalie is now held captive in her own cave by the sexy and striking alien commander, Zacar, who informs her that she will be his breeder. Natalie soon realizes that these aliens worship strength. So what will happen when Zacar finds out she has severe asthma?

Available from: Audible US 

Granny Finds a Gas Mask
 by Carlie Simonsen 
is book 1 in the Tiger Letters series. It was released by C.M. Publishing on 17 February. It's a YA title. 

Helping Gran is a chore, but with her holding their mobile phones hostage, Gareth and Giselle have no choice. Unpacking boxes of books is no surprise. Unpacking the gas mask is—and so is finding themselves back in the war, in Gran’s war, because ‘some things are meant to be changed’. How on Earth, does Gran expect them to help with this? Better yet, how on Earth, can they get back home?

Available from: Smashwords | Amazon US | Amazon Aus | DriveThruFiction

Non-paranormal title

Cinderella and The Geek by Christina Phillips is book 1 in the British Bad Boys. It was released by Entangled Publishing on 19th February.

I'm not looking for love or a Happily-Ever-After because I know how that ends. I just need to concentrate on my degree and look after myself. But there's something about my boss, Harry, I can't resist. It's crazy since he's so hot and smart it should be illegal.

And then, just like Cinderella, I have my night at the ball and a midnight kiss, and for a week all my sexy daydreams come true. That fake date changes my life in a way I could never imagine. It turns out, Harry wants me too.

But I’m off to pursue my dreams, and he’s taking his business to the next level. There’s no way this fairytale has a happy ending, but that doesn’t keep me from wishing for it.

Available from: Amazon | Apple | B&N Kobo

Loving Memories by Imogene Nix will be re-released by Beachwalk Press on 19th February.

A second chance at love could come with a killer price tag.

Jenny Douglas has the grim task of returning her friend’s body to the man she loved.

Steve Davies is grieving for the woman he lost while trying to care for the foster child she left behind—a little girl he has come to think of as his own.

But after Cara’s murder, Jenny and Steve must work together to find out who the killer is. And if a little bit of passion gets in the way, well…it’s not the real thing…or is it?

Content Warning: contains sexual content, and mental health issues that some may find confronting.

Buy links available on Imogene's website. 

It's currently on sale for US 99c


Non-paranormal title

Tomorrow's Promise by Imogene Nix will be re-released by LovesBooks Publishing on 1st March.

Life’s pretty much thrown everything it can at David: His wife, Karin left him after their child died. Watching his best friend marry his ex-wife sums up the ruins of his life. Attending the wedding could sink him further.

Being a bridesmaid at her best friend Michael's wedding, wasn’t on Genie’s bucket list. No, she’d rather be his bride. Watching the man she's lusted after, for more years than she’d like to admit, marry another woman, was not the highlight of her life. But meeting the brides ex-husband might be.

Caution: There are some themes in this story that people could find offensive.

Pre-order links are available from Imogene's website. 


C.M. Simpson: Short Work from 2017 - Fantasy & Urban Fantasy by C.M. Simpson has a cover. Details of publication as it comes to hand.

The Master and the Sorceress by Bernadette Rowley has a cover and blurb. No release date yet.

Desperate sorceress, Katrine Aranati, no longer knows how to deal with the woman she has become. She runs headlong into a man whose heart’s desire is order and control. James Tomel, master jeweler, is outwardly a pillar of society but he hides more than one dangerous secret.

When they are thrown together on a trip to Brightcastle, fierce creatures from legend pursue them but even more dangerous are the feelings swirling between them. When their hearts and bodies come together, one will flee while the other demands an accounting. Can they find common ground where their love will flourish or will secrets and betrayal kill all hope of a life together?

Find out if love and chaos can defeat order and control in the fourth exciting instalment of the Wildecoast Saga.

Guardian by Anna Hackett is book 9 of the Galactic Guardians series. Due for release 6 March. 

Non-paranormal title

Hot Tokyo Nights by Dakota Harrison has a tentative release of 1st March.

After her humiliating divorce, Mya Montgomery runs back to the only place she's ever truly thought of as home – Tokyo – and to the yakuza family who filled the void in her heart after the death of her parents. A new life lies just out of reach, but maybe propositioning a delicious yakuza punk to show her the hottest night of her life isn't the best way to find it.

​Shin Nakamura wants out of the family business – for good. His thriving night club in the popular Shibuya district is his ticket out of the hell his life has become. But Shin is tied by the dictates and obsessions of his older brother Hiro to a web of Family obligation. Mya's return destroys all Shin's certainties, though more than ever she is firmly out of reach. When Shin stumbles upon Hiro betraying the Family, the consequences of keeping that information quiet places Mya directly in the line of retaliation.

​Shin has one chance to make things right and save the woman he has come to love above all else – family, honor, and even his own life – but will he find her in time?


Hood and the Highwaymen isa story TJ Nichols will be offering via their Patreon page. After each part, three different options will be offered to vote on, so patrons get to help choose the direction of the story. 


Sabrina and the Gargoyle by Marie Dry has been nominated in the 'Romance/Paranormal/Fantasy/Vampires & Shifters' category in the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer's Choice Awards. 

The cover for Sabrina and the Gargoyle is also up for nomination over at The JABBIC Awards

Go vote HERE.

Beneath the Floating City and other science fiction stories by Donna Maree Hanson has been nominated in the 'Best Collection' category in the Aurealis Awards.   

This book is free to newsletter subscribers and it’s for sale in ebook everywhere for $2.99 USD.  To sign up to Donna's newsletter, click Here


Pages updated: Rhyll Biest, Cassie Laelyn, Enisa Haines.

Congratulations to all our DarkSiders!

Thanks for joining in our news. We'll see you next time...

Thursday 8 February 2018

Magic Thursday--Excerpt from Secrets, Spells & Murder

This month I thought I'd share an excerpt from my first paranormal cosy mystery Secrets, Spells & Murder. Maddie Goodcharm, who runs the Little Shop of Spells in the small town of Silver Moon Falls, has volunteered to walk dogs for the local shelter. Too bad things don't go quite as she planned.


When I saw the sign pointing the way to one of the hiking trails, I turned in that direction. I’d walked the trails many times in mild weather, switching it up to jogging in the cooler months. Once summer hit, everyone, including me, headed straight for the swimming hole at the falls.
I figured Missy and Toby would enjoy the woods as much as I did. Enjoy turned out to be a bit of an understatement. As the woods closed around us, the dogs suddenly behaved like kids on a sugar high. More than once Toby pulled so hard I almost face-planted in the dirt. 
Bringing him under control was hard work. As Karen had warned me, he was very strong. Several pulled muscles later—mine, not his—he decided that walking to heel might be a nice change. That lasted until he spied a squirrel. They locked eyes for a second before the squirrel scampered away. Toby darted after it. His leash got tangled with Missy’s, who ran between my ankles, tripping me. I fell, losing my grip on both leads as I went down.
In the seconds it took to scramble to my feet, both dogs had disappeared. Which way had they gone? I did a three-sixty, scanning the woods in all directions, but all I saw were trees and birds and some flying insects. There was no sign of the dogs. I groaned, preparing for a lengthy search. As I set off in the direction the squirrel had taken, I heard barking. I ran, following the sound until I found Toby jumping around the trunk of a tree. On the branch above sat the squirrel. It looked down on Toby as though it was teasing him on purpose. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was smiling. I hurried over and snatched up Toby’s lead.
“Okay, buddy, fun’s over.” I dragged him away from the tree. “Let’s go find Missy.” We went back down the trail. From time to time we detoured through the woods searching for the cocker spaniel, but there was no sign of her. “Come on, Missy,” I called. “Time to get going.” When there was still no response, I yelled louder, “Be a good girl, Missy, come on. Toby’s waiting for you.”
I really didn’t want to lose a dog on my first walk. That would be too embarrassing. Then I had a worse thought. How safe would it be for a tame animal to be out in the woods? I thought of Grammy’s menagerie. What if Missy encountered a cougar? I had to find her now.
“Missy,” I screamed. “Miiiisseee.”
Suddenly Toby started barking and pulling me back down the trail that led to the falls. “No, Toby. We’re not going that way.” I struggled to control the strong animal, planting my feet and refusing to budge. Toby was equally stubborn, barking, refusing to move. We stood there in a kind of stalemate until an answering bark came from the direction of the falls. “Okay, Toby, my mistake. Let’s go find Missy.” Toby raced down the track, and I raced after him. The sound of the falls became louder.
Silver Moon Falls is neither the highest nor the largest in the state, but it is the prettiest. The water cascades like a string of diamonds into a pool twenty feet below. The pool, a popular swimming place in summer, is surrounded by rocks—some flat, others sharp and dangerous. Decades ago there was an accident when Mitchell Jones slipped near the top of the falls and fell onto the rocks below. After he recovered, he campaigned to have a guardrail installed at the top of the falls and signage pointing out the danger. I hoped Missy hadn’t strayed too close to the edge and suffered the same fate as Mitchell.
Toby dragged me around a bend in the track. Ahead of us the stream that fed the falls frothed and eddied toward the cliff where it plunged into the pool below. Toby barked and ducked under the guardrail. “Oh no you don’t.” I pulled him back to safety. Then the two of us moved along the guardrail to a place where I could see the pool below. Missy was down there, tail wagging happily as she nuzzled what appeared to be a pile of old clothes.
“Missy, come on. Time to go,” I called out to her several times, while Toby pulled on his led eager to join her and play.  
Finally, I had to admit she wasn’t coming up on her own. Keeping a tight hold on Toby’s leash, I headed for the steps that led from the trail to the pool below. The spray from the falls made each step slick and dangerous. I clung to the railing all the way down heaving a sigh of relief when Toby and I safely reached the bottom. 
Missy was still intent on that pile of clothes. Honestly, what were clothes doing out here anyway? Had someone gone for an early morning dip? I scanned the water, but no one was in the pool. Had someone chosen this beautiful place to dump their trash? No. I knew what the clothes meant. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. But as I moved closer and saw the untidy tangle of hair that wasn’t a discarded wig and the hand that didn’t belong to a store mannequin, I couldn’t pretend any longer. Someone had fallen from the top of the falls and landed on the rocks below. Did she jump or was she pushed?


Secrets, Spells & Murder is now available.
iBooks coming soon

The second book in the Little Shop of Spells mystery series, Magic, Markets & Murder, is coming in 2018. 


Janni Nell is the author of fun paranormal mysteries. Before she became a writer, she worked as a personal assistant, receptionist and sales clerk. Now she is happy to spend every day creating stories. When she isn’t writing, you can find her at dance class, Pilates or walking the dog. She is hard at work on her next book.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

DarkSider News for February

Welcome to the latest DarkSider News!

In time for Valentine's Day ... 


Dirty Sexy Space is a series of 9 books by Mel Teshco, Shona Husk & Denise Rossetti. 

Formerly known as the ES Siren series, they were all re-released on 5th February.  The first three books in the series (those starting with Yours) are available for 99c until the end of February. 

Yours to Uncover by Mel Teshco is book 1. 

He’s a hardened criminal … and her biggest ally.

It's the year 2202. Earth is grossly overpopulated and seriously polluted. Rita Songworth has spent half her twenty-two years trying to escape the dying planet. It's taken the last five of those years to realize making it in the hard-ass infantry is her only way out, via space transporter Earth Ship Siren.

But the journey to Unity, the new colony, isn't easy. Rita has to resist an attraction to hard, brutish prisoner, Tristan MacFallan, whose masterful hands create more than the beautiful art he's been assigned to make. His forbidden touch affects her profoundly and he sees things in her no man ever has before. But obeying Zane, her ex-lover and malicious lieutenant, who is appointed to keeping the prisoners under guard, comes at a high price.

Is she willing to sacrifice everything to keep her secret and her lover safe?

Links Available at: Books2Read 

Yours to Command by Shona Husk is book 2. 

He would do anything to protect her, if only she'd let him. 

Corporal Sienna Jade wasn't given a choice about joining the mission to Unity. Seen as a troublemaker by the military after reporting an assault by a senior officer, the army wanted her gone. Sienna resents the army for assigning her to Earth Ship Siren, and suspects the fleet's Unity mission will fail. But others would do anything to escape Earth ...

Alex Tariel knew his only chance to get a place on ES Siren was as a prisoner, so he stole water rations. As a former construction foreman, his skills make him a valuable prisoner on board, but still a prisoner unable to control his own life. Instead of keeping his head down, he gets involved in the boxing fights set up for gambling privilege tokens, the only currency aboard ship among the prisoners.

Getting patched up by Corporal Jade might be the best thing that's happened to Alex on the trip so far, but becoming her ship husband puts him between her and the lieutenant who tried to kill her for kicks on Earth. While Sienna tries to keep control of her feelings for Alex, Alex would do anything to protect her, if only she'd let him.

As ES Siren faces its first crisis, a little trust and love goes a long way

Links Available at: Books2Read

Yours to Desire by Denise Rossetti is book 3. 

A man more potent than any drug.

It's 2202 and on board ES Siren, the brilliant Doctor Lily Kwan has worked in secret to develop an antidote for the aphrodisiac rape drug, sexmeth.

She'd be overjoyed if it wasn't for an embarrassing problem: the antidote has no effect on her extraordinary reaction to Connor Madison, the Siren's tough quartermaster. Scientifically, it should be impossible, but the man's a raging fever in her blood. If a single dark glance sets Lily on fire, a kiss might kill her dead – but what a way to go!

A former gang rat from the slums of a dying world, Con came up the hard way, so when geeky Doctor Kwan tops his hit list of possible drug runners, nothing's going to save her—not her family's money, nor her clever mind.

Not even the smile in her eyes.

Links Available at: Books2Read

Mine to Hold by Shona Husk is book 4. 

Getting caught between two lovers has never been more dangerous.

Captain Leo Grady is making his third trip to Solitaire. He’s spent five years in space and is ready for a change. Not wanting to go back to Earth, he’s chosen to pay off on Solitaire. All he needs is a woman willing to be his wife. Given that women are heavily outnumbered on the fleet of first settlers he knows he can’t sit around and wait. He has to act.

Vance Knox has been working with vet, Silke Rask, for the last six months. He fancies her, but refuses to do anything about it because he still has a twenty year sentence to serve. He has nothing to offer any lover and he expects nothing. He made his choices a long time ago. But it burns to see her getting closer to Grady.

Silke is torn between the sensible choice of Grady and the more dangerous attraction she has for Vance, but as secrets are revealed she realizes that she has to fight for what she wants. Not everyone on the ship is there because they earned their place, and old Earth money still has power.

When disaster strikes and threatens the lives of everyone on board she realizes that sometimes no choice has to be made. Why should love have limits?

Links Available at: Books2Read

Mine to Keep by Denise Rossetti is book 5. 

He's all puppy charm, but he smiles like a wolf. Trust him? She'd have to be out of her mind.

All Sandy wanted was some R&R in Sydney before joining the Earth Ship Siren as head of Military Police. What she gets is a night of mystery and pleasure with a man so wickedly fascinating he can't possibly be law-abiding.

For professional con man Peter Stanton, Master Sergeant Alanna Sanderson, with her kick-ass body and cool blue eyes, is the most fun he's ever had. Eight months later, on the Siren, he gets to meet her again, but now he's Prisoner 141, and they're out among the stars, half way to the penal colony on Solitaire.

When a micrometeroid shower strikes the convoy, Sandy and Prisoner 141 are stranded on a stricken ship. Will he pull off the ultimate confidence trick and sacrifice Sandy for his freedom?

If only she could command her heart as easily as she wields her stun gun, because when he betrays her, as he surely must, she's going to have to kill him.

Links Available at: Books2Read

Mine to Serve by Mel Teshco is book 6. 

A man with a secret past and a woman with an uncertain future.

When Lucinda Farrell is found guilty of a crime she didn't commit, she's resigned to her fate. It's either stay on a dying Earth or travel through the galaxy to the new world of Solitaire to complete her three-year sentence. Many claim the space bucket, Earth Ship Siren, won't make the long twelve-month journey and are almost proven right when a micro-meteor shower hits and cripples one of the three ships heading to Solitaire.

As pilot of the ES Siren, Jarred Cooper has never been short of female admirers. But he's got a secret he holds close to his chest—literally. Letting go of his past has never been so difficult when he's yet to find a woman who makes his breath catch and his heart beat fast. He knows love at first sight doesn't exist. Then he glimpses the beautiful prisoner, Lucinda.

But when overcrowding and rationing of food become serious issues, getting her to understand they can make things work, despite his past and their huge social divide, just might be the biggest hurdle of them all.

Links Available at: Books2Read

Mine to Keep by Denise Rossetti is book 7. 

He’s absolutely perfect – but he’s the one risk she can’t afford to take.

Shuttle pilot Cory Olsen figures he’ll live fast and die young. After all, his is one of the most dangerous jobs on the Earth Ship Siren. Out among the stars, on the long journey to the penal colony on Solitaire, Cory parties hard, laughing and loving, no commitments, nothing serious.

Which would be fine if he could ignore Bella - Prisoner 2844 - and move on to the next pretty face. He can’t work out where he’s going wrong. The woman’s all lush temptation - skin like velvet, mouth like honeysuckle - but Bella’s crankier than his temperamental shuttle craft and twice as mean.

Since Bella’s doing seven years for sedition, she can’t afford entanglements of any kind, not with her old associates and especially not with a handsome, reckless flyboy who makes her laugh at all the wrong moments. 

With tension on the Siren reaching fever pitch, a ruthless leader emerges from among the convicts. When violence starts to escalate, rebellion seems inevitable.

If Bella’s not careful, she could lose a lot more than her wary heart. She could cost Cory Olsen his life.

Links Available at: Books2Read

Mine to Serve by Mel Teshco is book 8. 

If stealing from the rich to give to the poor is a crime, then Silo Warrick is a felon of the highest order.

A gifted horticulturist found guilty of stealing from the elite greenhouses, Silo is also an extraordinary musician, and therefore the perfect con to throw onboard the Earth Ship Siren.Though he’s promised a fresh start on Solitaire, Silo’s not about to believe his captors.

But his disgust of the elite is about to be challenged by highbrow lovers Cloey Pederson and Jasmine Hewitt. They aren’t the arrogant and superior snobs Silo has learned to hate, even though trusting them is a whole ballpark out of his league.

One woman might whet Silo’s carnal appetite; two is cause for all his wet dreams to come true. But are Cloey and Jasmine double the trouble or twice as nice?

Links Available at: Books2Read

Ours to Save by Shona Husk is book 4. 

Some secrets are worth killing to protect.

Micah Stone sees Solitaire as a fresh start. With twenty years’ experience in the agriculture industry, he hopes the colony won’t make the same mistakes that were made on Earth.

To most people, Micah looks like a member of the well educated elite, but he’s really a Gaia activist. Not only did he lie about his daughter’s age to get her on board, but his partner is one of the most dangerous women on Siren.

Felicity Valez was once an Army explosives expert, and she was also a member of the radical Gaia Movement. After being sentenced to life for sedition, she wound up on Siren. To protect her partner and daughter while they’re on board, she needs to make sure that no one links the family together.

But her liaisons with Micah have been noted. And when her daughter’s life is threatened Felicity will do the one thing she promised Micah she’d never do again: rig an explosive that will kill. No one on Siren is safe. 

Links Available at: Books2Read

Levi by Anna Hackett is book 15 in the Hell Squad series. It was indie published on 29 January. 

In the middle of an alien invasion, a bad boy berserker collides with a spunky mechanic on a dangerous sabotage mission.

Levi King has always lived rough. Raised by a biker dad, he fought for everything he had—including being president of the Iron Kings motorcycle club. But when the aliens invaded, he lost it all. Now he wades through the muck with his fellow berserkers, fighting to protect the last of the human survivors. He fights hard and parties harder, and follows no one’s rules but his own. But then he finds himself fascinated by a mouthy, auburn-haired mechanic who isn’t afraid to give him a piece of her mind.

Chrissy Hagan survived months of alien captivity and now she’s found a purpose at the Enclave—as mechanic in charge of the armored Hunter vehicles. She keeps her babies purring…and hates every scratch the soldiers put on them, especially when a certain arrogant, cocky, and annoying biker is responsible. Did she mention annoying? What about tattooed, man-bunned, and far too sexy? Chrissy and Levi do more than strike sparks of each other…they start full blown infernos, and she isn’t afraid to use her wrench on his hard head when required.

But then a vital mission requires Chrissy to step out of the safety of the Enclave, and sabotage and steal an alien vehicle. Working side by side, desire burns white-hot. Levi discovers he will give everything he’s got to keep Chrissy safe and claim her as his…if they both get through the deadly mission alive.

Available from: Amazon US | Amazon Aus 

Hell's Bell by Keri Athur is book 2 in the Lizzie Grace series. It was released by KA Publishing on 23 January. 

When the church bell tolls thrice in the middle of the night, evil this way comes…

Lizzie Grace and Belle Kent, her witch familiar, are living and working on the Faelan Werewolf Reservation—one that has banned the use of magic within its borders. Although they have their supporters—including ranger Aiden O’Connor, who once hated all things witch—Lizzie and Belle now face possible eviction.

But the Faelan Reservation is a place filled with wild magic which—when left unprotected—quickly becomes a draw to those who walk the darker paths. As Christmas approaches, a new evil comes to town—one that eats the souls of the living and animates the flesh of the dead.

As the body count grows and the trail of clues leads them to the doorstep of the local vampire, Lizzie, Belle, and Aiden must find the killer before death comes calling on them.

But the biggest threat of all may come in the form of a witch who sees through the veils of Lizzie’s carefully constructed lies and suspects the truth of who she really is… 

Available from: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo 

In Full Flight
 by Carlie Simonsen 
is book 3 in the Wings series. It was released by C.M. Publishing on 20 January.

Jack’s dad has a secret—a sad secret. He has never told Jack how he lost his wings. One day he does, and Jack’s world changes. At the same time, someone from his parents’ past comes into their present, and they must work out how to stop things from the past happening all over again.

Scent of a Jaguar by S.E. Gilchrist is Book 2 of the Deadly Forces series. It was released on 25th January. (Book 1 was released in December 2017 by Erin O'Hara Moira)

When a plane crash-lands in a remote area of the Amazon, a female archaeologist joins forces with a man she suspects is an artefact smuggler in order to survive. 

On route to her new dig, Bernadette Ashford’s dream job morphs into a nightmare after a message warns her life is in danger. A last-minute decision catapults her onto the ill-fated plane and separates her from her beloved sister. Zane MacIntosh is on a mission - expose a major drug cartel and identify the man who murdered his mother. He’ll allow nothing and no-one to divert him from his goal.

Lost in the jungle together, they and other passengers are being hunted by ruthless mercenaries who have no intention of allowing anyone to escape. In their desperate struggle to live, a new-found love blooms and a deadly secret is unearthed. But with a killer in their midst, will their love survive the heavy cost of freedom? 

Available from Amazon US | Amazon Aus 

Want a chance to win the book? Head over the ARRA blog where S.E. asks the question if age matters?

Welcome to the Fruit Platter by Ellie Moonwater is book 2 in the Downtown Weres and Wizards series. It was released by C.M. Publishing on 28th January. 

Swept into a whirlwind courtship with two werewolves, Louise has just one problem—the secret she is keeping from the pack. When her mates discover what she’s been holding back, will they stand by her? And what of the pack? Louise must choose: trust in them, or run? Either way, a sanctuary seems a lifetime away.

WARNING: Welcome to the Fruit Platter contains explicit, consensual and kinky sex, some spanking, two very lust-driven werewolves, multiple scenes of menage, mfm, and some wizards on the prowl.

Available from:  Smashwords

Non-paranormal titles

The Dating Phase by Claire Boston was  published on 31 January 2018 by Serenity Romance

Miriam Bryant has spent the past twenty-five years raising her children – the last ten on her own after her beloved husband died. She’s successful and content with her life, but a chance encounter with a handsome man prior to her daughter’s wedding sets butterflies whirling.

But she hasn’t dated since she was a teenager, since her Scott swept her off her 

Is she ready to move on from her husband and into the next phase of her life – the dating phase?

Links Available from: Books2read

It's also available in an anthology, A Bouquet of Love.

Links available from: Books2Read.


Dear Tiger: I Miss You by Carlie Simonsen is book 1 in the Tiger Letters series. It is scheduled for re-release by C.M. Publishing on 9th February.

“Dear Tiger, this has been the best day ever… but I lie.”

Simone Michaels is in trouble, but she doesn’t know how deep. Her parents’ expedition has gone missing, and that she’s afraid she’ll go missing, too. Will she get the chance to see her mum and dad, again?

It's on SALE for US 99 cents from Smashwords until it's release date. 

The sequel, Dear Tiger: I Don't Think I'm Human Anymore is scheduled for release by C.M. Publishing on 24th February.

Book 2 is also on SALE for US 99 cents from Smashwords until it's release date. 

Granny Finds a Gas Mask by Carlie Simonsen is book 1 in the Tiger Letters series. It is schedule for release by C.M. Publishing on 17 February.

Helping Gran is a chore, but with her holding their mobile phones hostage, Gareth and Giselle have no choice. Unpacking boxes of books is no surprise. Unpacking the gas mask is—and so is finding themselves back in the war, in Gran’s war, because ‘some things are meant to be changed’. How on Earth, does Gran expect them to help with this? Better yet, how on Earth, can they get back home?

It's on SALE for US 99 cents from Smashwords until it's release date. 

Reluctant Liaison by C.M. Simpson is a urban fantasy short story released by C.M. Publishing on 2nd February.

I woke up in a car—upside down, staring into the faces of a half dozen pixies sitting on a tree branch. To one side, was a cliff face, to the other, sky, and things were starting to shift. Apparently, I’d had an interesting night… if only I could remember what it was, and why I’d run, and why following the pixies scared me almost as much as the idea of staying in the car…

In Reluctant Liaison the Paranormal Operations Squad is faced with a dilemma outside their usual remit, when Otherworld and ‘real’ world cultures clash.

Non-paranormal title

Cinderella and The Geek by Christina Phillips is book 1 in the British Bad Boys. It will be released by Entangled Publishing on 19th February.

I'm not looking for love or a Happily-Ever-After because I know how that ends. I just need to concentrate on my degree and look after myself. But there's something about my boss, Harry, I can't resist. It's crazy since he's so hot and smart it should be illegal.

And then, just like Cinderella, I have my night at the ball and a midnight kiss, and for a week all my sexy daydreams come true. That fake date changes my life in a way I could never imagine. It turns out, Harry wants me too.

But I’m off to pursue my dreams, and he’s taking his business to the next level. There’s no way this fairytale has a happy ending, but that doesn’t keep me from wishing for it.

Available from: Amazon | Apple | B&N Kobo

Loving Memories by Imogene Nix will be re-released by Beachwalk Press on 19th February.

A second chance at love could come with a killer price tag.

Jenny Douglas has the grim task of returning her friend’s body to the man she loved.

Steve Davies is grieving for the woman he lost while trying to care for the foster child she left behind—a little girl he has come to think of as his own.

But after Cara’s murder, Jenny and Steve must work together to find out who the killer is. And if a little bit of passion gets in the way, well…it’s not the real thing…or is it?

Content Warning: contains sexual content, and mental health issues that some may find confronting.

Buy links available on Imogene's website. 


Memory's Vampire by C.M. Simpson is a horror short story. No details of release as yet.  

Not all vampires feed on blood. The ones we hunt take your memories before they take your life—and now they are hunting back. We’ve been compromised, and I don’t know who to trust. That comes later. Right now, I just want to make it back to my body alive.

Non-paranormal title

Liberated by Mel Teshco is book 4 in the VIP Desire Agency series. It will be released by Tule Publishing on 20th March. 

Can two men conquer one woman’s heart?

Eloise Chand isn’t just any woman, she’s also Savannah, stunning call girl. But it doesn’t stop unprofessional thoughts about her favorite clients, Saxon and Julian. She knows she’s in trouble. She doesn’t want her career destroyed by personal attraction. She’s a business woman first and foremost, and the Wolfe brothers aren’t part of her career plan.

Adopted brothers, Saxon and Julian, share more than just their billion dollar real estate development business. But never in their wildest dreams did they expect to fall for the same call girl. She’s a woman whose hot-blooded sexuality and independence stirs something deep in them both. That she’s beyond willing to share the same bed with them is just a bonus they want to further explore.

But how do they permanently attain the one woman who just might be unattainable?


Princess Avenger by Bernadette Rowley has been made available for free on Bernadette's website and you join her mailing list.

Passionate Princess Alecia sets out to avenge the cold-blooded slaying of her first love. Army Captain Vard Anton is dealing with his own dark secrets. When he is appointed Alecia’s protector, both find it hard to ignore the chemistry between them.

Can Alecia resist the enigmatic Vard while trying to exact revenge? Will their fatal attraction ultimately lead to tragedy or can love and desire unite Alecia and Vard forever?

Though separated by class and palace intrigue, Alecia and Vard are entangled by desire in this fantasy romance.

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