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A Fate of Wings
Island Wolf
The Sheikh's Forced Bride: A Billionaires and Sheikhs novel
A Spell of Longing and Death
Bowen River
Dead and Gone: Ein Violet-Blackwood-Krimi (Thornwood Academy)
Vampire's in the Details
To Wed A Queen: An Epic Romantic Fantasy
Key Change

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We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Darklight On ...Bernadette Rowley

Today's Darklight On is... Bernadette Rowley

Welcome, Bernadette

How did you come to write speculative fiction? What attracted you to the genre?

I’ve read fantasy fiction since early high school when I discovered Tolkien and Terry Brooks. I loved the epic nature of the stories and that many were series. It was the ultimate escapism. When I started writing for adults, I began with space opera and quickly moved into fantasy romance because it was more what I knew. I’d lived in those worlds (high fantasy) for decades.

Are you a plotter? Pantser? Or somewhere in-between?

I was a pantser in the beginning because I had no idea about structure. As I developed my writing process, I started to plot more because I got less lost that way. I start with a romance outline and then brainstorm a synopsis. Then I get started on the story after I get to know my characters and their motivations. So I’m somewhere in between, I guess.

Do you have a favourite character?

That’s a tough question. I love them all but two women stand out. My first published heroine, Princess Alecia, is one strong lady. Her story begins in Princess Avenger and continues in Princess in Exile, my latest book. You won’t believe what she gets up to. My second favourite is Lady Benae from The Lady’s Choice. Benae loves horses and can speak to her horse, Flaire, mind to mind. She can also heal by laying her hands on a person. That’s pretty cool, don’t you think?

What are you currently working on?

Besides working on marketing my books, I have a new story in my Wildecoast series finished, entitled The Lady and the Pirate. I love that story and can’t wait to let it loose on the world. I also intend to write another in the series which continues the story of The Elf King’s Lady and we learn what hero Kain decides to do about his mixed heritage. That story features an elven heroine!

What is your favourite part of the process of writing?

I really enjoy the setup, writing the synopsis and getting to know my characters. To be honest, drafting the story is really difficult for me at times but when it’s done, I LOVE the editing process.

Who are your favourite authors?

I love all the old school fantasy authors like Feist and Eddings and my favourite series is the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. On the romance front, I love Marie Force, Sophia James, Sarah Maybury and Madeline Ash

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading David Gemmell’s Waylander II and Leisa Rayven’s Bad Romeo and can highly recommended both authors. 

Do you have a favourite spec fiction movie or TV series?

I really love the Twilight movies as I did the books. I could watch those over and over again. And I’m really looking forward to seeing The Wheel of Time series translated onto the screen. 

Do you have advice for emerging writers? 

I would have to say ‘write every day and write what you know’, write what you have read so much of that you don’t even have to think about the setting or the genre. You just know what has to happen next. 

Get it down because you can’t edit it if it’s not written first. And don’t listen to that voice that says it’s crap- we all hear that voice!


Thanks, Bernadette

Princess in Exile

Princess Alecia and shapeshifter Vard flee Brightcastle, pursued by mercenaries, with Vard battling transformation into his least controllable form- the bear. They travel to a lost city, hoping a sorcerer there may help Vard master his gift. The lovers soon discover he has his own devious agenda. Will Vard and Alecia escape? Can their love survive Alecia’s fear of Vard’s animal forms? What secret does the princess hold with the power to destroy Vard’s trust? 

The answers to all this and more are contained in the pages of Princess in Exile, the dark sequel to Princess Avenger.

About the Author:  Website / Facebook / Twitter / Smashwords
Buy Links:  Smashwords / Amazon

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