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We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

What We Are Reading April Edition

So here we are in April, a quarter of the way through the year already (now THAT is a scary thought) and if you're anything like me, scouring the pantry for Easter chocolate your kids might have forgotten to eat.
Some of you may have noticed that March's edition of WWAR was a no-show... I'm very sad to say it got sucked into a black hole and is now being read by our alternative selves who exist in a parallel universe. Seriously though, my apologies - last month I was very deep under a writing rock, trying to get a manuscript finished and entirely forgot about it. But not to worry! Onwards to April...

From Kylie Griffin -

I've just finished reading CAPTIVE PRINCE #1 and PRINCE'S GAMBIT #2. There is a Bk#3 but not out yet (darn it!).

C.S.Pacat (a fellow Aussie author!!! woohoo!!!) writes an incredibly engrossing fantasy romance series with complex world-building, twisted political plots, tortured & tormented heroes, Damen & Laurent, whom you barrack for (it's a male/male FR for those unfamiliar with the series), and you get sucked right into their story.

You can't help but be dragged in right from the start when Damen is betrayed by his brother and handed over to be a slave to his enemy (although no one knows that Damen is a prince). Laurent (the enemy prince) is such a fascinating, layered character that you dislike and are intrigued by him at the same time.

I can't say any more without giving away plot spoilers but if you don't mind reading a male/male romance (Bk#1 isn't a romance but there's a LOT of character building and growth between Damen & Laurent) and if you like a gritty, complex fantasy romance then this series is for you.

Book #2 continues the incredible layers of political intrigue and manoeuvring, awesome world-building and complex character development, and there is a deepening of the friendship/relationship between the heroes. The romance is raw & heart-wrenching.

Be warned, Book #2 ends on a cliff-hanger, and leaves you wishing July would hurry up and arrive (release date for KINGS RISING #3).

This series is going on my keeper shelf.
As for myself, I've dabbled with a few things this month. I read Who Wants To Date A Superhero
Admittedly, I don't usually read erotic romances, they're just not my cup of tea, but I thought the premise to this book sounded interesting, kind of quirky and a fun read based on a reality show to date a superhero. 
This was really well written and I liked the author's style of writing, however I felt like the overall story was a bit up and down. Some bits I was really invested in and wanted to keep reading, but there was a few places the story lost me, and I actually put it aside and read another book in the meantime. If you're looking for a light, entertaining erotic romance read, then this book is perfect for that. If you're looking for something with more substance and depth, then this might not satisfy. I enjoyed this for what it was and will be getting the next book in the series because I'd like to know what happens to the other characters in the book.

I also read Homecoming, the third book in The 100 series. Now, I know I'm more invested in these books because of my love of the TV series and all things Bellarke (Bellamy and Clarke's relationship), and I think that if it wasn't for that, I may not have read these books at all. They were a little bit predictable, and despite the premise being unique, the characters and story arc didn't do anything to blow me away. 
In saying that, I ended up enjoying this 3rd book far more than I expected to. It was definitely the best book out of the three so far, because this time there were far less flashbacks and far less focus on the usual angsty teenage love stuff. We got more actual story and interactions with the others on the ground, plus we had a bad guy in Rhodes to hate and a secret villain revealed in the closing chapters. All in all, it was pretty good, with the romance complementing a stronger plot.My only real nit-pick? No sure why Finn is on the cover when he's not even in the book, and they killed him off in the TV series. Why isn't it Bellamy? Or did someone in the cover department make a huge mistake?
I'd like to hope there are going to be more books in the series simply so I can get my Bellarke fix, since the writers of the TV show don't seem to be moving in that direction, but I think I read somewhere that the author doesn't plan on writing any more. 

So that's it for another month. If you haven't already, I'd strongly recommend reading CS Pacat's book, and side note, she's going to be at the RWA conference this year!

- Jess Anastasi

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