Today's Darklight on is... JM Bray.
Welcome, JM!
Hi, my name is JM and I’m severely right brained.
My wife and I found long ago that letting
me open the chequebook results in chaos. Seriously, if she were to disappear, I’d be
without lights, water, and gas within a few months. For me, life revolves
around rhythm, balance, harmony and flow. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, it
all becomes some form of right-brain-ed-ness.

To me that didn’t, and still doesn’t, make any sense. Let’s
be honest, if you went to the market and saw a lime the shade of that
pie, you wouldn’t bother. Right? Limes are green…dark, luscious green. So, I
figured, if that’s the colour of the fruit, the pie should be the same.
Yeah, pie the colour of spinach didn’t go over too well at
the church social. The taste was perfect, but no one would touch it. I’d let my
artistic bent, take my efforts past what the public would accept.
All of you wonderfully intelligent writers already know
where I’m going. We deal in imagination. Our words take people places, and if
we do it well, they’ll set aside their notions of what should be, and go with
us on a journey…but only to a point. If we go too far it upsets the rhythm, it’s
more than they can take.
I’ve had an idea for an anti-hero story, one that goes
beyond the character in Dexter. A hero that’s so good at being bad, and I mean really bad, that we want him to succeed.
I think it can be done. Maybe I don’t have the talent or huevos to pull it off.
Or, maybe, it’s a slice of dark green pie. Maybe someday we'll find out.

Do you have a story idea or scene that you've shied away from? Tell us about it!
And now for the author stuff:
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About the Author
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Hey I would have tried a slice of that pie, looks delish! :-)