2025 Releases

A Fate of Wings
Island Wolf
The Sheikh's Forced Bride: A Billionaires and Sheikhs novel
A Spell of Longing and Death
Bowen River
Dead and Gone: Ein Violet-Blackwood-Krimi (Thornwood Academy)
Vampire's in the Details
To Wed A Queen: An Epic Romantic Fantasy
Key Change

2025 covers

Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Magic Thursday - Where has my muse gone?

I wonder this all the time lately. The muse. She just ain't there! I keep a looking but to no avail.

Most people have busy lives these days, and I'm among them. Mine is not busy with normal work - as long time readers of this blog know, I have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), so this condition stops me from working 9-5 jobs. The inconsistancy of my condition has empolyers scared, but I'm not sitting on my butt all day long.

Well I do sit on my butt, but I'm trying to keep my brain active.

I'm a semi-carer - my parents have health issues and I take them to their doctor's appointments.

I'm a volunteer with Romance Writers of Australia being on the committee, the RWA organiser for this year's Roadshow in Adelaide, and paranormal group co-moderator. I also index the Hearts Talk issues (usually - this project has fallen way behind).

I'm a student of graphic design. I've been studying very part time at Tafe (vocational training for those outside of Australia) for over two years now. At the beginning of this year, I changed streams taking the Illustration stream of graphic design. While the core subjects are the same, the electives are not, so some subjects I've done doesn't count for the diploma. It's okay though as I've learned some things that have helped with marketing and websites.

I'm a book cover designer - as well as do banners and website/blog customisations (HelzKat Designs). This part time business had suffered by the year of bad health (last year) as well but has recently picked up again.

So where has the Muse gone? 

It's strange. I have all these ideas but when I go to write anything down it's like an invisible barrier is between me and the words. The Muse is gone so the link between me and my words is missing. I think she's damned drained mentally.

I wonder if she's also tired of the fantasy novel not selling. She's worked hard on that story and while it's gotten nibbles, it hasn't found a home.

I've been through down patches before but usually I'm editing if not writing. ATM, even editing feels the same as writing. A barrier is there.

I love story telling, so it's baffling to me that I can't write or edit. In fact, this fog that I've had has affected my reading to a large extent and I've talked how reading feeds my soul in the past.

It must feed my Muse as well, it seems.

My only Muse food seems to be the TV shows that I watch. A mixture of sci-fi, paranormal, drama, comedy and documentary. Thank goodness for that, but on it's own is it enough?

I've made the decision that until the RWA Romance Rocks! conference in August (in Sydney), I will not worry about my writing or editing. I will let my muse take the time off now and get myself ready because Muse, ready or not, we will get to work. Even if I have to hog tie you.

SNOOP is my latest release. This paranormal noir novelette

Bob's rule of investigating: Never take the paranormal at face value.

Daisy Luck is a SNOOP - Sanctioned Nationalized Officer Of the Paranormal. Her latest case involving a vampire and a gremlin has her private eye senses in a spin. Throw in yummy Detective Maroney and her life couldn't get more complicated - or could it?

Buy links -  Musa Publishing | Amazon US | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords |
All Romance Ebooks | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo

Find Eleni at - 

1 comment:

  1. Dealing with CFS and everything else on your plate...well, you're amazing!

    And I loved 'Snoop'!!!! Great voice. Anyone who enjoys noir blended with paranormal will love this.


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