Lawless In Leather
Winterfall Destiny
Mated to the sapphic orc
Fae's Fate
Broken: A Romantic Science Fiction Eco Adventure
Wolf's Prize
Wicked Ways
Unbreak My Heart
Curiosity Killed the Vampire
From Across the Sea
Angel In Armani
Edge of Night
The Witch's Tangle
Three Vampires And A Baby
Banshee, Death and Disarray: Holly Harrow: A Point Muse Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Damaris: A Scifi Alien Romance
The Shattered Court
Moon Blessed
Falling for Mr. Fake It

2024 covers

Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Good News Day!

Welcome to this week's good news...


Imogene Nix has sold A Strangers Arms to Total-E-Bound.  It's the sequel to Blame The Wine.



Kylie Griffin's Vengeance Born is a finalist in the Greater Detroit RWA 2013 Booksellers Best Award in the Paranormal/Time Travel/Futuristic & the Best First Book sections. Results announced at the BBA Reception on July 17 following the RWAmerica Literacy Signing.


Alexis Fleming's new release, Hidden Fire, will be out in e-book format from Escape Publishing on June 1st.

An Australian-set paranormal drawing on the Aboriginal Dreamtime in a hot, suspenseful series debut.
Gili Adams is willing to do anything to protect her parents, even travel to Australia in search of the mythical opal, the Dreamtime Fire. But her resolve is tested when she has to enlist the help of anthropologist Morgan Hunt, the Guardian of the opal and the man who once accused her of using her feminine wiles to steal a priceless artefact. She’s faced with an impossible choice: lie to the man she never wanted to lose or risk her parents’ lives.
Nothing can be allowed to stand in her way... not even her own heart.


Erica Hayes is giving away a free story to all of her newsletter subscribers! Cherry Kisses is an 11K urban fantasy novella set in her Shadowfae universe.

Sexy con-artist Lena Falco isn't a witch, not technically. She uses her cache of stolen magic tricks to seduce and bedazzle her marks. When she's hired by a demon to steal a cursed magical amulet from a monstrous tower in Hell, it's her lucky day. The prize? A single wish—whatever she wants.

The catch? There's competition: Ethan Benford, swordsman and enchanter, arrogant, maddeningly sexy and the only incorruptible man in town.

Lena's been burned by Ethan's easy charm before, and vows he'll meet his match this time. But is ultimate power worth betraying the only man who truly believes in her?


Flesh by Kylie Scott has received a TOP PICK from Night Owl Reviews!
"Nothing is black and white anymore, and what was the norm has to be forgotten to survive. But Daniel will protect Ali with all he has, because she’s his future. When he and Ali run into Finn, another survivor with enviable skills, he’s brought into their couple. All the way in. See, monogamy kind of has to go the way of the dinosaur if the human race is to survive. An original and awesome read that was harsh, romantic, funny and graphic."
You can read the full review here.

The Outcast Prince by Shona Husk received this review from RT Book Reviews.
"Husk’s new Court of Annwyn series starts off on the right foot, adding realistic heartache and transformative romance to an innovative fantasy to create an emotional and engaging tale."

Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster receives a 5 paws rating from Rabid Reads.
"Heart of Iron, the follow-up installment to Bec McMaster’s debut onto the steampunk scene is Kiss of Steel’s equal in all things except Verwulfen which means… this book’s even better than the last! Because, let’s face it, werewolves make everything better! Am I right? In this novel, McMaster further expands upon her already colossal universe, transforms two beloved secondary characters into praiseworthy protagonists and weaves a deliciously entertaining tale that’ll keep you reading until there’s nothing left."
Full review here.

Rabid Reviews also gave a 5 paw rating to Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster.
"From the very first page of Kiss of Steel I was swept away by Bec McMaster’s lovely writing style; her three dimensional characters, stunning dialogues and surreal universe are so brilliantly executed that I’m giving this book a 5+ star rating.
This is a story about vampires but McMaster does such a brilliant job of claiming them as her own that they almost felt new again. There are three different subgroups to the vamps in her lore and I really enjoyed the way that we get glimpses into each of their lifestyles."
Full review here.


If you live in Taree (NSW) & surrounds, don't forget there's a "Queens of Heart" author panel on Wednesday, May 22nd at Taree Regional Library. Karly Lane, Cathryn Hein and Kylie Griffin will be talking love, lust & longing.
Bookings essential - details below.


  1. Woo hoo! Great line up this Good News day. Congrats Imogene on your 15th contract. Alex, I love the blurb of your book... sounds delicious. Kylie, congrats on the nomination - you deserve it. And Erica - I'm forced to sign up to your newsletter now to claim your tantalising free story :)

    1. Cheryse, isn't it great reading all the good news. I think I'll join you in the newsletter sign up!


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