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Thursday, 24 May 2012

Magic Thursday: The Road Block

I was racking my brains trying to come up with a blog post. Now, I'm pretty good with coming up with topics, but I have serious brain fog at the moment. It's 1.30 in the morning as I write this. This in itself is unusual. I usually get Magic Thursday posts organised earlier.

Which brings me to my topic of today - Life getting in the way of writing and writing goals.

Yep, life has thrown me a curve ball this year - medical dramas with my parents, and studying more subjects than I expected.

Of course, it is writing gets shoved to the bottom of the pile. Oh, I've been editing this year - entering a couple of competitions, doing first edits for my short story anthology, and currently doing the second edits, BUT new writing has been a no show for a little while now.

I've scribbled notes and passages, but it hasn't been the same as consistent writing. Sigh.

Now, I have myself to blame in some aspects in how busy life has become lately -

  • studying - yes, I decided to do a graphic design course to help me find better ways of doing my designs.
  • conference planning - yes, I put my hand up to help with the Diamonds Are Forever conference, and I've put my hand up for Perth next year. It's my way of giving back to the organisation. 
  • design work - I do love doing this, but it's getting harder to keep up with the workload, but I need this creative outlet to help balance the writing and writing related stuff.
Also having chronic fatigue, the brain fog can hit even more so from that rather than just being busy. 

I started having some success at the beginning of the year when it came to time management, thanks to Kitty Bucholtz' time management course. I could see how I was going to plan and manage my writing. And thanks to that, I did manage to achieve a few of my writing related goals for the year. I need to go back and read my notes and take steps to get things in order.


Right now, I'm just taking one step at a time getting things done for the things due in the days ahead. Not ideal, but I am getting things done......just not writing. It feels like the road ahead is closed for repair.

I think I have to accept the fact that I'm not going to get any done until after conference and even maybe until I'm on holidays from my course in December. But there's that little voice 'you should be writing'. I'm usually good at going with the flow and accepting the processes. But this doesn't feel like a process, but more an interruption. A road block that appeared out of nowhere.

I just have to remember to keep on keeping on. 

How about you - what do you do when life gets in the way? Do you give yourself permission to take some time off writing? 


  1. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and chill. Navel-gazing is good for the muse.

  2. I agree with Janni - sometimes we take ourselves too seriously and need to chillax for a bit, it's great for the muse.
    I should know - very little productivity this year!! But, it's made me more aware of where I want to go with my writing, sometimes you just have to smell the roses to see the wood through the trees BWG

    1. LOL - Chillax. And yes, I agree re seeing the bigger picture.

      Thanks, Mel.

  3. CFS is a...well you know what CFS is. And not being able to write can frustrate the bejeebers out of you. Don't let despondency take a hold, Eleni. Keep that chin above water and take note of your troubles today and make sure you don't repeat your work overload. Unfortunately, as you said, those who suffer with CFS are lumbered with some serious limitations. Respect them and you'll respect yourself.

    I think your problem is more that you have a need to write, rather than a responsibility (which is what consumes most of your time at the moment) and your need is being denied. That need being denied usually turns me into one of the nastier characters in my books. :) As Janni said, let yourself chill. Promise your hero and heroine you'll get to them. Tell them to go off and sort their stories out so that when you have time to pen them the words will flow.

    Your work commitments will ease - eventually, just keep that in mind and your writing will always be there. :)

    Hope the workers that come along to fix your blocked road are, shall we say 'inspiring'?

    1. Good idea, Sandy. I shall promise them stories at a later date and they can go off and get ready. Excellent.

      And yes, I'm hoping for hunky workers too :)



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