Coming up this week...
Tues 18
Good News Day
Wed 19
Winners of Maree Anderson's giveaways, Freaks of Greenfield High and The Crystal Warrior.
Thur 20
Magic Thursday -Jess Anastasi with giveaway of Savior AND Singularity.
Sat 22
Darklight On…Janni Nell
DarkSider Trekking...
- Annie on contests, pitching and opportunities.
- Nicole on a decision rescinded and making a new one, is reconfiguring her blog, answers questions on getting started as a writer, and writing progress this week.
- Kylie has guest author, Kerri Williams, and a Book review of Deacon's Touch by Callie Croix (erotic romance e-book).
- Eleni has Super Sunday, a new Marilyn movie clip, her 500th post, Anna Campbell on Writing Buddy Wednesday, Blogging Tips, Stunning Saturday.
- Rowena talks about editing over at the ROR blog, and has reposted the blog with Bec and Michelle talking about competitions, and they have a launch of the HOPE anthology.
- Jenny talks Secrets Uncovered, has Writing Advice, Writer Wednesday, Romance Industry News, Australiana and Family.
- Imogene tells us what's new, and launches her new website.
- Dy gives a scene from her book.
- Kitty asks what she should work on next?
- Jess is all quiet on the writing front.
- Keri is being interviewed at USA Today's Happy Ever After blog.
What's Up!
- Angela and Sandy's bios are now on the DarkSiders bio page.
- Bec Skrabl will now be known as Bec McMaster. All the blog posts relating to the former will also have the latter's name, so if you click on the label, you get a comprehensive list of posts.
- We turn ONE on the 31st October. So to celebrate we are having a Halloween Blog party and Birthday Bash with GIVEAWAY!! A grand prize is on offer, as well as some prizes for two more lucky people.
Included in the prizes are:
- Rogue by Nicole Murphy
- Scent of A Man by Maree Anderson
- King Rolen's Kin trilogy by Rowena Cory Daniells
- Dark Angels books 1 and 2 by Keri Arthur
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