Which is kind-of appropriate, because Darkness Unbound—the first of the Dark Angels series--has somewhat magical beginnings. Why? Well, did you ever have a story where a very minor character leaps onto the page fully formed and threatens to take over the story? The main character in the Dark Angel series—Risa Jones—did just that. She was supposed to be a very minor side character in the Riley Jenson series, but the minute she appeared on the page choo-chooing her way around the living room I knew the muse had more in mind for her. By the time she'd become a Coke addicted, cake loving, sweet talking two year old, I'd already sold the first couple of books of her series.
But the other reason the series has somewhat magical beginnings is the first line in Darkness Unbound. I live in the hills, so there's lots of rain, fog and other weather unpleasantness that happens. And every morning, particularly in winter, I drive over the mountain through that unpleasantness to go the gym. On one particular morning we had a real pea souper. I'm talking fog so thick you couldn't see two inches in front of your nose let alone another car until you were almost on it. It felt surreal--almost like you were in another world--especially when cars went past, because you could barely see more than a dark blur that eddied the fog. It really did look like creatures in the fog—well, at least to someone with a writer's imagination :)
But that's how the first line of Darkness Unbound came to me—in that fog, with the shadows moving through it, I suddenly thought... I've always seen the reapers.
Of course, Risa isn't no ordinary woman, so her reaper is somewhat unusual too. He's a Mijai—a half naked, sword bearing dark warrior. But you'll have to read Darkness Unbound to find out more about him!