Tues 9 Aug
Good News Day
Good News Day
Wed 11
Winner of Maree Anderson's Secrets Anthology giveaway
We will be taking a break from Magic Thursday and Darklight On this week, as it is the Romance Writers of Australia's conference week.
Join us next week.
DarkSider Trekking...
- Eleni with Super Sunday, Writing Buddy Wednesday - Nikki Logan,
- Kylie had the following on her blog:
Mon 1 - 'August is conference month - woohoo!' countdown to the RWAustralia and RWNZ Writers Conferences is on!
Wed 3 - Happy Release Day: Blood Cursed
Thurs 4 - Who's That Girl? interview with LaVerne Clark (RWNZ)
Thurs 4 - Shannon Curtis giveaway winner announced
Sat 6 - Writing terms (part 1)
*Mark in your diary* Mon 8 - Guest Author - Cheryl Wright
- Jenny loves the Concise Oxford Dictionary, has a writing update, guest author, David M Brown, romance industry news, numbats, and the Perth zoo.
- Nicole announces the Winds of Change anthology, that Hope Lost is finished,
- Nicola has an extract from Mimosa Black.
- Shona is over at Here Be Magic talking about pewter casting and magic guns.
- Mel talks Claytons
- Kitty on relationships making life worthwhile, ebooks on ebooks, Routine of rest - guilty or not guilty?, finally reading Harry Potter book 5, 9 days until City2Surf,
- Keri starts a new column over on Deadline Dames.
- Maree reveals an extract from Kat On A Hot Tin roof, Scottish selkies, scoundrels, and secrets,
- Erica has a Blood-Cursed Day, and is over at Dark Faerie Tales as part of the Fantastic Fables series.
- Rowena on the shady side of publishing, meets Erica Hayes, visits Tara Sharp, showing us fandom has gone mainstream.
- Denise with a Guilty as Sin quick and dirty giveaway party.
- Christina showcases DarkSider unleashed, and LOLPuppy
- Annie is counting down.

What's Up...
- This coming week, DarkSiders will be converging to Melbourne for the Romance Writers of Australia conference. I'm sure everyone have a wonderful time.
- Other DarkSiders will be attending the Claytons conference, the online conference, when you can't go to the face-to-face one. Eleni and Mel are part of the organising committee and they promise it will be a jammed packed weekend.
Have a great week!
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