2025 Releases

A Fate of Wings
Island Wolf
The Sheikh's Forced Bride: A Billionaires and Sheikhs novel
A Spell of Longing and Death
Bowen River
Dead and Gone: Ein Violet-Blackwood-Krimi (Thornwood Academy)
Vampire's in the Details
To Wed A Queen: An Epic Romantic Fantasy
Key Change

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Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Darklight On...Keri Arthur: Q & A

How did you come to write urban fantasy fiction? What attracted you to the genre?

I actually came to urban fantasy via the traditional fantasy route. I’d been writing novels set in mythical lands filled with dragons and whatnot, all featuring kick-arse heroines, but they never really seemed quite there for me. Then I read a novel called Children of the Night (written before Buffy and Laurell K Hamilton came onto the scene) which featured a kick-arse heroine, creatures of the night, a vamp hero, and all set in a modern day setting. It was my ah-ha! moment and crystallized what I actually needed to write.

Are you a plotter? Pantser? Or somewhere in-between?

By nature I’m a pantser, but because I’m tending to write such long series these days, I’ve evolved into something of a plotter. I now have an overall outline for the series, and know roughly what I want to happen in each book, but I don’t get into the finer details, leaving that to my pantser nature.

You seem to write a lot of series rather than one off novels--any reason?

I love my characters too much to leave them!

Do you have a favorite spec fiction movie or TV series?

How much space have we got? lol TV loves include X-Files, Supernatural, Being Human, Torchwood, Haven, Primeval, Firefly and Star Trek . Movie loves include Lord of the Rings, Gamer, Star Trek, Serenity, the Terminator series, Gabriel, and X-men

What is your favorite part of the process of writing?

Creating the characters and going on a journey with them, sharing the good times and bad. Basically, I just love putting my characters through hell, then watching them climb back out of it all and stick their middle finger up at the world

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on the third book of my Dark Angels series. This is an offshoot of the Riley Jenson Guardian series, and features a grown up Risa. The first book, Darkness Unbound, comes out in September

What’s your next release?

Next up is Mercy Burns, which is the second of my Myth and Magic series. It’s out in April

Who are your favorite authors?

Dick Francis, James Herbert, Tolkien, Alistair MacLean, Peter O’Donnell, Anne Gracie, Julia Quinn, Eloisa James and Kelly Hunter

Any advice for the newer writers out there?

Treat your writing the same as any other job--that is, be serious about it! Have goals, not just small and big (from finishing your first book to getting that first contract) but pie in the sky (hitting the New York Times list). Always keep those goals in mind as you climb each step of the writing ladder. Understand the market, be aware of what is going on, read and understand all the career implications of any contract before you sign it. But most of all, write what you love, because once you’re accepted in a certain genre, you’ll find yourself writing it for quite a while!


  1. Hi Keri,

    I never tire of hearing about your career. When I attended my first RWOz conference I went to your author spotlight session and listened to you tell us how hard (and long) you worked to break into the publishing game.

    It's been an inspiration to me over the last 10 years. Thank you! :-)

  2. I think you'd be a bit of an inspiration yourself :)

  3. I'm with Kylie - you are such an inspiration Keri. I too met you at my first RWAus conference in Melbourne back in 2002. It was your first Author chat and you held everyone in awe.

    BTW - thanking for using kick-arse because I think of donkeys when I see the word ass. I know get over it Eleni, but it's one of those little quirks I have :)

    Thanks for being an inspiration and for all the fantastic books you have written. Keep 'em coming!!

  4. lol on the ass/arse. I totally agree, but you'll still find asses in my books rather than arses.

  5. Just seconding what the others have said about you being an inspiration. Your journey to finding your agent and hitting the big time is the stuff of legends.

  6. Well deserved career Keri,
    I often think of authors like you and the journey you've had as I'm slaving on my keyboard while e1 is asleep. The sacrifices are what makes the great stuff all worthwhile =))


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