2025 Releases

A Fate of Wings
Island Wolf
The Sheikh's Forced Bride: A Billionaires and Sheikhs novel
A Spell of Longing and Death
Bowen River
Dead and Gone: Ein Violet-Blackwood-Krimi (Thornwood Academy)
Vampire's in the Details
To Wed A Queen: An Epic Romantic Fantasy
Key Change

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Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Darklight On.. Imogene Nix Q&A

Today's Darklight On... is with Imogene Nix. Welcome, Imogene! 

How did you come to write speculative fiction? What attracted you to the genre?
Well firstly I have to own up to being a closet Sci-Fi reader. That was a huge influence for me as a reader and I think it just kind of evolved from there. I mean I have a thing for Vampires and things that go bump in the night, but starship captains....Oh yeah baby. That is where I am at J
When I started writing, it was just a natural thing that it would be the genre I stumbled into. And I think that as a writer you need to do what draws you. For me there was never any question.

Are you a plotter? Pantser? Or somewhere in-between?
I’d love to be a plotter, but I am quickly learning that much as I might roll the ideas around in my head, at the end of the day, these darn characters seem to want to write their own stories. By the time I get to putting words on paper I have an idea which way and who but that is pretty much about it.
Yep, I’m a panster.

Do have a favourite of your characters?
I always had a chuckle at the authors who said my favourite is the one I am working with. To an extent yes, I guess that is true. But......
I love Jemma. She is so broken at the beginning of the book I am working on. I was sooo looking forward to writing her story and it is finished in draft format. She was kind of hard to come to terms with. She’s not a “nice” person at the beginning but it is the peeling of layers with her that makes her such a great character to investigate. Of course I also have a weakness for Chowd too, who you will eventually meet in the first book.....if and when it sees the light of day....
Physically he looks just like us.....but.....(is that giving something away? Lol!) My daughter constantly looks at his picture on my office wall and goes... “He’s hot!” But beyond that there are so many layers to him too......

What are you currently working on?
I have book 2 in draft form....from the Warriors of the Elector series, book 3 has been started and I have this cool little vampire concept I have been playing with. I think it is one I will continue with once I get my Electors out of the way.   J   From that there are 2 short stories waiting for me to come back and polish them off before they are ready to do something with as well....
Never one to let anything rest, I have to have something on the backburner!

What is your favourite part of the process of writing?
Favourite? I’m supposed to have a favourite? Lol! I missed the memo!

I love the planning that goes on in my head, throwing around ideas, but I think ultimately it is something to do with when I get to the point that I am done. First Draft done that is. Because that means photo time. It proves to me and my family that I am well and truly on the way.

For me that is a big step achieved. It’s not finished but I know I will get it completed. 


What can we expect from Imogene Nix in the future?
Hmm... hard question. I guess I really want to finish my trilogy first and then next up is finish the vampire novel that is flying around my head. I have it started but I think it might be a different thing entirely to the way I have written my Elector books. I love the concepts that it is calling me to look into.
I have an order as long as my arm for books, but one thing I would like at some point to try is a YA book. (Actually I think my daughters would love that) I really don’t know if I could manage anything that isn’t paranormal/fantasy because that is what I love and find intriguing.

Probably if I went to a more mainstream storyline without the fantasy and scifi concepts it would be a Romantic Suspense....but you never know really. I think it is something that will depend on where I am at and what I want to play with in terms of concepts and ideas.

Who are your favourite authors?
Hmm there are a few....Anne McCaffrey & Todd McCaffrey. Piers Anthony caught my attention when I was younger. I really love the works of Lynn Viehl, Nora Roberts and especially her JD Robb “In Death” series. Julia Spencer-Fleming ..... I just love her writing and the by play between her central characters, Russ & Clare make such an unlikely pair!
Who else? I love the collaboration “Cat Adams”. All time favourite though is Linnea Sinclair. The way she builds the worlds she writes about....

What are you currently reading?
Stephanie Lauren’s “Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue”, Tracey O’Hara’s “Death’s Sweet Embrace” but I have a To Be Read Pile that you just wouldn’t believe!

Do you have a favourite spec fiction movie or TV series?
I should have known this was coming! Star Trek Voyager (yes I even have the uniform and communicator badge in my closet!), Castle (it is the Nathan Fillion thing happening), Firefly....I don't watch a lot of TV but what I do watch is amazing. I also need to finish watching the UK version of Being Human....

Do you have advice for emerging writers?
Being a beginning writer myself, the thing I found hardest was having faith in myself. Setting realistic goals, setting aside time and space to write. 

Find somewhere quiet....nothing worse than having the kids walk in while you are in the middle of writing an intimate scene.  J   (Been there done that & really should get the tshirt!)
Write. Get your ideas onto paper then visualise them. See them. Live and breathe your characters. Make them real to you.

Be prepared to accept criticism of your work. It is only by hearing the truth that your work will improve and you will learn.

Join a group that writes, if not what you write, then has a similar thread and form friendships with these writers. They will give you advice, ideas and push you to do your best work. The RWA and Darksiders have given me the most amazing support.

But ultimately? See yourself as a writer. Being an author is not about what everyone else expects you to be, but how you present yourself as a craftsperson. If you don’t believe in you, no one else will either.

Thanks, Imogene!
You can catch Imogene at her blog.


  1. Thanks for having me Eleni....what can I say? Once a geek, always a geek!

    And I do love that pic of the Voyager crew....three strong women at the front :) Gotta be a good thing....

  2. Great to learn more about you Imogene. I love your advice about believing in you. Well said.

  3. Imogene - yes it was a good photo of the Voyager Crew. I thought Janeway was a strong captain with a wicked sense of humour.

    And embrace the geekness!

  4. Ahhh I wear my Inner Geekiness with pride :) Lol!

  5. I like that writer as a craftsperson. I like it a lot. Emphasises that writing is something we work on and improve, not just a born-with talent.

  6. Thanks Jenny - I think it is important to remember that the crafting of a story is a never ending process - one where we are continuing to improve and hone our skills. Just like a painter, each new picture is better than the last and so it is with writing each time we produce a work it is better crafted and better honed than the last.


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