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Welcome to the Dark Side!

We are writers mainly from Australia and New Zealand who write speculative fiction with romantic elements. Be it fantasy, paranormal, dark urban fantasy, futuristic and everything in between.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Good News Day!

Welcome to this week's good news....


Maree  Anderson
The YA story, Freaks of Greenfield High has finalled in the YA category of the Gulf Coast RWA Chapter of the Silken Sands Self-Published Star contest.  That's freakily good news!


Imogene Nix
The Star of Ishtar, a novella in the Warriors of Elector series, has a cover.  Seriously sizzling!

Christina Ashcroft (aka Christina Phillips)
Check out the cover of Archangel of Mercy. It's due out in December. Oh, mercy, me!


Kylie Griffin
It's raining great reviews for Kylie's Vengeance Born. Here are snippets:

4 stars from A New Kind of Ordinary
"Kylie Griffin has created compelling characters and put them in a world that is protected by ultra-powerful Light Blade warriors and is on the brink of war with blood-sucking demons. It's a truly unique blend of paranormal romance and pure fantasy with enough elements of each to delight fans of either genre. I'm definitely hooked and can't wait for the next installment, Alliance Forged, which is due out in July."

"The writing is so powerful and strong that the book moves very quickly despite the fact that not a lot happens in it. The characters are realistic and when I look at the secondary characters, I see them as a part of Annika and Kalan's world, not as just "sequel fodder".
I really loved this book and can't wait til the next installment, Alliance Forged, is published. "

"Griffin's characters are multifaceted and the supporting cast holds the promise of more stories to come. It was truly heartwarming how Kalan realized the depth of his feelings for Annika and saw her as more than a half-breed demon, but as a courageous woman he would gladly share his life with. The plot was exciting as the author enticingly reveals secrets and he truth changes Kalan and Annika’s future forever. Absolutely wonderful!"

All About Romance
"Vengeance Born is the first in a new series and from a wonderful new author. I know that the two sequels have been added to the list of books that I am anxiously awaiting. This series has such strong potential!. What a wonderful debut novel!"

 4 paws from Rabid Reads
"Vengeance Born has a nice balance of action and romance but it is at its core a love story. Depending on what your genre of choice is, this book may or may not be for you. I for one enjoyed it and the big reveal made at the ending helped to further stoke the flame. Alliance Forged is due out in July and I’ll be among one of the first in line to read it. "
Phew, way to go, Kylie!


Lilliana Rose
The poem,  Ghosts, has appeared in In Daily in the Poet's Corner. You can read this gem here!

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